Methyltransferase deficient chemically competent E. coli cells suitable for growth of plasmids free of Dam and Dcm methylation. Note that dam- strains are not recommended as a host for primary cloning/ligation.
Methyltransferase deficient chemically competent E. coli cells suitable for growth of plasmids free of Dam and Dcm methylation. Note that dam- strains are not recommended as a host for primary cloning/ligation. The dam mutation can result in an increased mutation rate in the cell and a reduction in the transformation efficiency. DNA should be maintained in a dam+ strain unless there is a specific need for DNA free of Dam or Dcm methylation.
Transformation Efficiency
1-3 x 106 cfu/μg pUC19 DNA
ara-14 leuB6 fhuA31 lacY1 tsx78 glnV44 galK2 galT22 mcrA dcm-6 hisG4 rfbD1 R(zgb210::Tn10) TetS endA1 rspL136 (StrR) dam13::Tn9 (CamR) xylA-5 mtl-1 thi-1 mcrB1 hsdR2
Price | 1.752,00 RON (preturile sunt fara TVA) |
Description |
Methyltransferase deficient chemically competent E. coli cells suitable for growth of plasmids free of Dam and Dcm methylation. Note that dam- strains are not recommended as a host for primary cloning/ligation. The dam mutation can result in an increased mutation rate in the cell and a reduction in the transformation efficiency. DNA should be maintained in a dam+ strain unless there is a specific need for DNA free of Dam or Dcm methylation. Highlights
Transformation Efficiency 1-3 x 106 cfu/μg pUC19 DNA Genotype ara-14 leuB6 fhuA31 lacY1 tsx78 glnV44 galK2 galT22 mcrA dcm-6 hisG4 rfbD1 R(zgb210::Tn10) TetS endA1 rspL136 (StrR) dam13::Tn9 (CamR) xylA-5 mtl-1 thi-1 mcrB1 hsdR2 |