EliGene® COVID19 Triple RIC RT, 500 reactii , cod catalog 90079-RT-500

EliGene® COVID19 Triple RIC RT, 500 reactii , cod catalog 90079-RT-500

EliGene® COVID19 UKV RT Kit, 100 reactii , cod catalog 90082-RT

EliGene® COVID19 UKV RT Kit, 100 reactii , cod catalog 90082-RT

EliGene® COVID19 CONFIRM RT Kit, 500 reactii, cod catalog 90078-RT-500

23.205,00 RON


Kit de detectie si confirmare CE, IVD, One-Step RT-qPCR, 3 independent Sars-Cov-2 targets Multiplex, EliGene® COVID19 CONFIRM RT Kit, 100 reactii


Kitul EliGene® COVID19 CONFIRM RT Kit (REF: 90078-RT) este proiectat pentru detectarea si confirmarea prezentei ARN-ului viral SARS-CoV-2 din probe recoltate din nasofaringe, cavitatea bucala, sputa, ser, plasma, precum si din alte probe clinice prin testul cu o singura etapa RT-qPCR.

Testul RT-qPCR pentru detectia ARN-ului de la SARS-CoV-2 foloseste tehnologia TaqMan (probe FAM® si HEX®) si poate fi efectuat cu instrumente ca LightCycler 480, LightCycler ®Nano, MyGo, MIC, RotorGene si altele care pot lucra cu canale FAM si HEX. 



  1. Marcaj CE, IVD
  2. Contine primeri si sonde aprobate de Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii
  3. Specificitate si sensibilitate crescuta, datorita amplificarii simultane a 3 ampliconi independenti specifici virusului SARS-CoV-2, intr-o singura reactie de PCR (3-target multiplex PCR)
  4. Control intern de ARN marcat cu HEX, pentru validarea reactiei de Revers Transcriere
  5. Potrivit pentru probele de ARN izolate din orice esantioane clinice 
  6. Tehnologie specifica, dezvoltata in UE, de catre firma Elisabeth Pharmacon 
  7. Compatibil cu toate kiturile de izolare a acizilor nucleici virali produse de firma Elisabeth Pharmacon 



EliGene® COVID19 CONFIRM RT kit (REF: 90078-RT) is intended for the detection or confirmation of SARSCoV-2 viral RNA from nasopharyngeal swabs, buccal swabs, sputum, saliva, serum, plasma and other clinical samples by one-step RT-qPCR assay.

The RT-qPCR for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA utilizes TaqMan technology (FAM and ® ®HEX probes) and can be performed on instruments such as LightCycler 480 (Roche), RotorGene-Q (Qiagen), CFX96 (Bio-Rad), QuantStudio (Life Technologies) and others that can work in FAM and HEX channels.



  • CE mark
  • WHO recommended primers and probes
  • Increased sensitivity and specificity due to the amplification of 3 independent SARS-CoV-2 targets in a single PCR reaction
  • HEX-labelled RNA-based internal control for the reverse transcription control
  • Suitable for RNA isolated from all types of clinical samples
  • Special technology developed in EU by Elisabeth Pharmacon company
  • Compatible with all Elisabeth Pharmacon viral isolation kits



Mai multe informatii
Price 19.500,00 RON (preturile sunt fara TVA)

EliGene® COVID19 CONFIRM RT kit (REF: 90078-RT) is intended for the detection or confirmation of SARSCoV-2 viral RNA from nasopharyngeal swabs, buccal swabs, sputum, saliva, serum, plasma and other clinical samples by one-step RT-qPCR assay.

The RT-qPCR for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA utilizes TaqMan technology (FAM and ® ®HEX probes) and can be performed on instruments such as LightCycler 480 (Roche), RotorGene-Q (Qiagen), CFX96 (Bio-Rad), QuantStudio (Life Technologies) and others that can work in FAM and HEX channels.



  • CE mark
  • WHO recommended primers and probes
  • Increased sensitivity and specificity due to the amplification of 3 independent SARS-CoV-2 targets in a single PCR reaction
  • HEX-labelled RNA-based internal control for the reverse transcription control
  • Suitable for RNA isolated from all types of clinical samples
  • Special technology developed in EU by Elisabeth Pharmacon company
  • Compatible with all Elisabeth Pharmacon viral isolation kits



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