CytoSMART™ Omni Device: Automated Live cell imaging system for brightfield microscopy with integrated  x,y,z stage, Cod Catalog XAB-1002

CytoSMART™ Omni Device: Automated Live cell imaging system for brightfield microscopy with integrated x,y,z stage, Cod Catalog XAB-1002

Sistem complet automatizat de imagerie live "CytoSMART™ Omni" pentru transmiterea imaginilor direct din incubator pe calculator sau in cloud. Include aparatul CytoSMART™ Omni , laptop, 1 an de licenta software si spatiu cloud

210.630,00 RON

CytoSMART Omni: Sistem de vizualizare si achizitie de imagini in timp real a celulelor din incubator, complet automatizat. 


Vizualizati si analizati celulele din culturi facute in flascuri, cutii Petri sau placi cu 2, 6, 24, 48, 96 godeuri, in timp real, direct in incubator.


O adevarata revolutie in imageria LIVE a celulelor ! 


CytoSmart-ul OMNI poate scana 6000 de imagini in 6 minute, le poate "uni si fuziona" astfel incat sa creeze o interfata asemanatoare cu hartile si imaginile din Google Map.  Astfel, dupa 5-6 minute, obtineti  o imagine unica a vasului de cultura, indiferent care ar fi acesta (cutii Petri, flascuri  T25, T75 si pana la T225, placi de 96 godeuri, sau orice vas de cultura cu dimensiuni de pana la 94 x 132 mm si 50 mm inaltime) in care puteti face zoom-in pana la o rezolutie egala cu a unui microscop cu obiectiv 10x. 

Puteti compana astfel morfologia si viteza de dezvoltare a tuturor celulelor din toate godeurile sau partile unui vas de cultura analizat.


Brosura CyotSMART OMNI



- Observarea cresterii si dezvoltarii celulelor aderente : Determina caracteristicile de dezvoltare a celulelor primare si a liniilor celulare in timpul si dupa tratamentul cu diferite substante, principii active, inhibitori de crestere sau medicamente.

- Numararea celulelor in suspensie : Scaneaza si analizeaza intregul godeu si numara instantaneu toate celulele in suspensie.

- Embryoid Bodies: Analizeaza populatiile de "Embryoid Bodies, EB" pe baza formei si a marimii lor, in mod non-destructiv. 

- Colonii: Determina marimea si numarul coloniilor formate si identifica rapid prezenta coloniilor individuale si izolate.

- Spheroids: Masoara dimensiunile si volumul "sferoizilor" obtinuti in urma tratamentului cu diverse substante si conditii de cultura.

- Wound Healing: Efectueaza o analiza rapida si automata a procesului de reparare si "insanatosire a ranilor" prin monitorizarea migrarii celulelor de-a lungul timpului.

- Morfologie : Utilizeaza imaginile de microscopie obtinute pentru a identifica, caracteriza si monitoriza sub-populatii celulare specifice, pe baza trasaturilor morfologice ale acestora.




  • Pret avantajos:  Costul aparatului este mic comparat cu cel al competitorilor
  • Rezultatele si cantitatea de date obtinute :  Puteti vizualiza si analiza vasul de cultura in intregime, indiferent ca e o cutie Petri, o flasketa T25-T225, o placa cu 2 pana la 96 godeuri sau un 3D print (L x l x h: 94 x 132 x 50 mm).
  • User friendly: Conceput pentru a fi utilizat ca un sistem Plug and Play, fara traininguri aditionale
  • Open system: Este un aparat usor de curatat, care nu perturba fluxul de aer in interiorul incubatorului de cultura
  • Utilizare in Cloud : Scannarea si Analiza rezultatelor se poate face la distanta, in orice moment, de oriunde in lume, utilizand conectarea la CLOUD. Permite colaborarea usoara cu alte grupuri de cercetare.
  • Dezvoltarea de noi aplicatii: Noi metode de analiza a scanerului sunt in dezvoltare. 



The large optical window of the CytoSMART Omni enables you to easily visualize any well plate, culture flask, petri dish, microfluidic chip or other culture vessel. As long as it fits within the scan area and is lower than 55 mm because of the space between the optical window and the light arc. You can simply monitor the health of the cells in your flask/dishes, or conduct a wide variety of assays in a 96-well plate.



Optimum culture conditions

The CytoSMART Omni is so compact, it easily fits inside any cell culture incubator. This enables you to perform your experiment at the optimum culture conditions for your cells. The CytoSMART Omni can even scan your samples cultured inside a hypoxia incubator. Your colleagues will like this device too, since it is so compact that there is still space left in the incubator for their cell cultures.



Higher accuracy​

The large area scan acquired by the CytoSMART Omni, is captured by moving the optics instead of the sample. The Omni hardware is designed to make the scanning process highly repeatable, increasing the accuracy of your time lapse data. It also enables you to perform experiments with sensitive or non-adherent cells, since your cells are undisturbed throughout the duration of the experiment.​



Easy to use

The intuitive Omni app allows anyone in your lab to use the CytoSMART Omni without extensive training. Just place the device inside your cell culture incubator, connect it to a computer and start the Omni app. Place your culture vessel on the optical window of the Omni, focus, set the time interval and you are ready to start your experiment.


Instant confluency analysis​

The Omni app generates a stitched image of the entire scanned area. When using well plates, you can also choose to generate stitched images for each well separately. Our integrated analysis software automatically analyzes the confluency (as indicated by the green overlay in (a.) at several time points (b.) for all wells (c.).



Using the integrated confluency analysis software, you can perform apoptosis, proliferation and cytotoxicity experiments in just a few clicks. Using commercially available image analysis programs (e.g. Matlab, ImageJ, Python) you can use the images obtained with the CytoSMART Omni for applications such as migration, colony picking, neurite formation and angiogenesis.


The world’s smallest live-cell imager

The CytoSMART Omni is the smallest automated live-cell imager that fits inside a standard cell culture incubator. It can acquire a bright-field scan of an entire well plate within 5 minutes and provides instant confluency analysis of your cultures.

The CytoSMART Omni is:​
Fast – Faster than any automated live-cell imager ever seen
Flexible – Any type of culture vessel that fits within 94 x 132 mm can be scanned
Compact – It fits in any cell culture incubator


The world’s fastest live-cell imager

The CytoSMART Omni can acquire a bright-field scan of 94 x 132 mm within 5 minutes. Not only the scan is fast, setting up your experiment is also done within a few minutes, after which the CytoSMART Omni does the work for you. This allows you to quickly set up your experiment and walk away, so you can spend your precious time on data analysis instead of obtaining data.​


Interested? Get a trial!

Do you want to scan a full plate? Do you want to scan, analyze and report up to 96 wells in just a few minutes? Don’t hesitate and try our amazing CytoSMART Omni now.​


Inspired by a simple paper scanner, but accurate, fast and affordable like all our other products.
Mai multe informatii
Price 177.000,00 RON (preturile sunt fara TVA)



The large optical window of the CytoSMART Omni enables you to easily visualize any well plate, culture flask, petri dish, microfluidic chip or other culture vessel. As long as it fits within the scan area and is lower than 55 mm because of the space between the optical window and the light arc. You can simply monitor the health of the cells in your flask/dishes, or conduct a wide variety of assays in a 96-well plate.



Optimum culture conditions

The CytoSMART Omni is so compact, it easily fits inside any cell culture incubator. This enables you to perform your experiment at the optimum culture conditions for your cells. The CytoSMART Omni can even scan your samples cultured inside a hypoxia incubator. Your colleagues will like this device too, since it is so compact that there is still space left in the incubator for their cell cultures.



Higher accuracy​

The large area scan acquired by the CytoSMART Omni, is captured by moving the optics instead of the sample. The Omni hardware is designed to make the scanning process highly repeatable, increasing the accuracy of your time lapse data. It also enables you to perform experiments with sensitive or non-adherent cells, since your cells are undisturbed throughout the duration of the experiment.​



Easy to use

The intuitive Omni app allows anyone in your lab to use the CytoSMART Omni without extensive training. Just place the device inside your cell culture incubator, connect it to a computer and start the Omni app. Place your culture vessel on the optical window of the Omni, focus, set the time interval and you are ready to start your experiment.


Instant confluency analysis​

The Omni app generates a stitched image of the entire scanned area. When using well plates, you can also choose to generate stitched images for each well separately. Our integrated analysis software automatically analyzes the confluency (as indicated by the green overlay in (a.) at several time points (b.) for all wells (c.).



Using the integrated confluency analysis software, you can perform apoptosis, proliferation and cytotoxicity experiments in just a few clicks. Using commercially available image analysis programs (e.g. Matlab, ImageJ, Python) you can use the images obtained with the CytoSMART Omni for applications such as migration, colony picking, neurite formation and angiogenesis.


The world’s smallest live-cell imager

The CytoSMART Omni is the smallest automated live-cell imager that fits inside a standard cell culture incubator. It can acquire a bright-field scan of an entire well plate within 5 minutes and provides instant confluency analysis of your cultures.

The CytoSMART Omni is:​
Fast – Faster than any automated live-cell imager ever seen
Flexible – Any type of culture vessel that fits within 94 x 132 mm can be scanned
Compact – It fits in any cell culture incubator


The world’s fastest live-cell imager

The CytoSMART Omni can acquire a bright-field scan of 94 x 132 mm within 5 minutes. Not only the scan is fast, setting up your experiment is also done within a few minutes, after which the CytoSMART Omni does the work for you. This allows you to quickly set up your experiment and walk away, so you can spend your precious time on data analysis instead of obtaining data.​


Interested? Get a trial!

Do you want to scan a full plate? Do you want to scan, analyze and report up to 96 wells in just a few minutes? Don’t hesitate and try our amazing CytoSMART Omni now.​


Inspired by a simple paper scanner, but accurate, fast and affordable like all our other products.